Rourkela Transport Services

Rourkela to

Truck type

Avg. Price

  • 22 Feet Container Truck


  • 32 Feet Multi Axle Truck


  • 32 Feet Single Axle Truck


Rourkela to Kolkata transport

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Rourkela to

Truck type

Avg. Price

  • 20 Feet Container Truck


  • 22 Feet Container Truck


  • 32 Feet Multi Axle Truck


  • 32 Feet Single Axle Truck


Rourkela to Bangalore transport

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Rourkela to

Truck type

Avg. Price

  • 19 Feet Truck


  • 20 Feet Container Truck


  • 32 Feet Multi Axle Truck


Rourkela to Chennai transport

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Welcome to FR8 Rourkela, a leading logistics partner which has a vast trucking network that covers the whole country. We offer dependable and effective transportation services from Rourkela to any location in the nation with the help of our trucks, which are on call around the clock. Our fleet of trucks is prepared to fulfill your demands with ease, whether you need transportation for small or large commodities. We are always available to help you with your transportation needs in Rourkela. Just call our Rourkela transport contact number 9363462734.

Truck transport company in Rourkela

Our Rourkela Transport Service

Rourkela, the Steel City of India, is known for its thriving industrial sector, and this sector needs to transport raw materials and finished goods daily. FR8 makes this transportation process simple by providing standardized and verified trucks. Our nearest transport office is located in Ranchi at Sai Residency, near Baliguma Road, Dimna Chowk, Maango, Jamshedpur- 831012. Just dial our rourkela transport contact number.9363462734.

Key benefits

User-friendly and cost-effective platform

FR8 Logistics is a leading provider of trucking logistics solutions in India. You can easily book a truck using our site, which offers a user-friendly interface. Our aim is to provide customers with simple and affordable trucks.

Wide variety of truck options

We have a many range of trucks, so you can select any one that fits your goods. We offer both open trucks and container trucks for good transportation from Rourkela to any destination in India.

Choose the right truck for your goods:
  • Container trucks:32 feet multi-axle container truck, 32 feet single-axle container truck, and 20/22/24 feet container trucks.
  • Open trucks:19 Feet / 20 feet open trucks.

Click here to know about container truck details.

Reliable and on-time delivery

Our skilled staff collaborates directly with you to totally understand your needs and create a unique transportation strategy. Your goods are delivered on time and in perfect condition to the destination location.

Comprehensive reach to key cities

Our 100+ ready trucks are always available to transport your goods from Rourkela to all corners of India. We successfully delivered more than 10,000 full-load trucks using this diverse range of trucks. With these 10,000 full-load trucks, we covered many major locations like Delhi, West Bengal, Kolkata, Gujarat, Bangalore, Chennai, etc.

Quick POD Submission:

We understand the significance of proof of delivery (POD) and our dedication is to a speedy submission process. As soon as your shipment is delivered, we provide your POD within ten days.

Book FR8 Rourkela truck transport

Your goods will be safe with us from Rourkela to their destination across the nation. If you need trucks to transport any kind of goods like industrial goods, agricultural goods, scrap, or textile goods, book your trucks now and enjoy comfortable transportation service from Rourkela.

Live Truck Rates from Rourkela Transport

Different container trucks, open trucks & lorries are available from Rourkela, Gujarat to other cities across India

Rourkela transport servicesTruck typeTonOrder DatePriceAction

Rourkela to Bangalore transport

32 Feet Multi Axle Truck1522-Mar-25108000
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Rourkela to Jabalpur transport

32 Feet Multi Axle Truck1521-Mar-2593000
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Rourkela to Pune transport

19 Feet Truck1113-Mar-2550000
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Rourkela to Bangalore transport

32 Feet Single Axle Truck7.512-Mar-2581000
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Rourkela to Anantapur transport

20 Feet Container Truck612-Mar-2559000
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Rourkela to Bangalore transport

32 Feet Multi Axle Truck1512-Mar-25107200
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Rourkela to Pune transport

32 Feet Single Axle Truck7.510-Mar-2546500
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Rourkela to Guwahati transport

32 Feet Single Axle Truck708-Mar-25147500
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Rourkela to Midnapore transport

32 Feet Single Axle Truck7.506-Mar-25116600
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Rourkela to Gurgaon transport

32 Feet Single Axle Truck706-Mar-2554000
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Rourkela to Silvassa transport

32 Feet Multi Axle Truck1803-Mar-2535000
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Rourkela to Gurgaon transport

32 Feet Single Axle Truck7.528-Feb-2556000
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Rourkela to Amravati transport

32 Feet Single Axle Truck7.524-Feb-2562000
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Rourkela to Kottayam transport

22 Feet Container Truck624-Feb-2574000
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Rourkela to Kolkata transport

32 Feet Single Axle Truck720-Feb-25112000
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Rourkela to Dera Bassi transport

32 Feet Multi Axle Truck1620-Feb-2575000
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Rourkela to Nashik transport

32 Feet Single Axle Truck7.514-Feb-2537000
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Rourkela to Agra transport

20 Feet Container Truck614-Feb-2544500
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Rourkela to Manor transport

32 Feet Single Axle Truck7.512-Feb-2534100
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Rourkela to Delhi Cantonment transport

32 Feet Multi Axle Truck1511-Feb-2575000
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Top Transport Cities FR8 Operates from Rourkela

FR8 has 39+ branches which helps in providing on-time delivery of goods across India.


How many days will it take to submit the POD?

Does FR8 have both container trucks and open trucks?

How can I contact the FR8 Rourkela branch?

Mention some places FR8 covered from Rourkela?

How many goods have been successfully transported from Rourkela?